My Tribe – Being Different & Belonging

I’ve been watching ‘Needles & Pins’ a documentary series about those who like to assert their difference by tattooing and modifying their bodies. The result of these changes seems to be people who can only really feel at home in this very unusual tribe of similarly altered people.

Why do they do it? Really?

It’s a very interesting phenomenon. We all need to belong, but there are always those people who feel the need to assert their individuality by how they look. Within a ‘tribe’ I see it as an escalation of differences developed because of comparison. ‘If you can do that then I can do this…. “ and so the modifications become ever more extreme, as comparisons are made between those who have already left ‘normal’ far behind. I expect that’s why they embrace personal modifications that are very disturbing to most of us. There’s also the need to be different, even within this extreme group.

Below are some examples of piercings, tattoos, stretchers and dermal inserts chosen by those who want to stand out in a crowd.  Some can still be concealed, but most of these changes firmly set their owners apart from the everyday person. They also require quite a high level of commitment in terms of time, money and pain.

Below: Skull Dermals (


Below: Permanent Zips and Laces (

Below: Changing Faces & Other things –  Left: ( Right: (




Of course some don’t want to commit to their tribe so completely and achieve their sense of difference through makeup, clothing and attitude.

Below: All dressed up and Chores to do (

I think some alter them selves so they don’t have to compete in the difficult world of socially acceptable beauty. They remove themselves from this socially conventional area of competition, even if they are entering another one. Personally I hope whatever changes the more extreme modifiers feel called on to make has no long term detrimental consequences and meets their own needs.





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